
I’m a safe pair of hands, but that doesn’t mean boring. I’m always looking for THAT image, the one that captures a moment or a mood,

I’m also not fazed by challenges on a shoot, things happen.. weather/kids/animals/etc.. But i’ll keep my head and find a solution.

Authenticity is key to my photographic approach, and it’s a theme throughout my work.

The pursuit of this often starts before we get on set; selecting the right team; location; models etc. It then continues during the shoot, getting the most out of all at our disposal.

I also feel authenticity is crucial when lighting a scene and so I often opt to use as little artificial lighting as possible.

I’m a firm believer in surrounding yourself with good people, and that’s never more true than in my profession.

I regularly work with a team of talented and experienced production crews, supporting me directly with model casting, location scouting, styling, set design & build and CGI.

Recent clients include Coke, Lego, Disney, Yamaha, Asda, Haven, Dyson, LG, BMW, Unilever, Danone, and Laura Ashley.